Dream about living somewhere peaceful, leafy, and family friendly - where the kids can easily get themselves about (including around your catchment of excellent schools), enjoying scads of...Read More→
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Dream about living somewhere peaceful, leafy, and family friendly - where the kids can easily get themselves about (including around your catchment of excellent schools), enjoying scads of...Read More→
Dream about living in the inner city dress circle without having to squash your family into smaller spaces? Welcome to your beautiful multi-level expansive (338 square metres undercover)...Read More→
Fancy the pleasure of waking each morning and padding out to your private balcony on the upper level of your townhouse where you can appreciate and enjoy the...Read More→
Looking to make lifelong memories for your family? The kind that involve gracious living, splashing in the pool in summer time, and overlooking seemingly infinite green to ramble,...Read More→
Seeking the peaceful beauty of a character home, with lovely neighbours who'll make your quiet no-through street feel like a tiny village, while only being a walk, bike...Read More→
Please email the agent if you would like to be kept informed of the contract status and other similar properties. Looking for huge amounts of clean, light and...Read More→
Over hunting for the perfect home? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could create your dream home, uniquely designed to suit your family's every desire, in a peaceful...Read More→
Dream about swinging in a hammock or curling up on a daybed under a generous covered deck set high amongst breezy tree tops, without having the bother of...Read More→
Inspection by appointment Enjoy an acreage lifestyle with superb convenience to shopping, schools and transport. A beautifully renovated Griffin & Knowlman home has a timeless and classical appeal...Read More→
This property must be sold. The sellers already have their new home and it is waiting for them to move in. Create a brilliant family lifestyle here. This...Read More→