If it isn't already perfect enough to have your split-level home tucked away in a private, elevated prime position, be prepared to be surprised by the way your...Read More→
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If it isn't already perfect enough to have your split-level home tucked away in a private, elevated prime position, be prepared to be surprised by the way your...Read More→
Dream about living in a north-facing gorgeous 1800's Queenslander on an elevated street that oozes charm and street appeal? With its ornate period features of: soaring ceilings, fret...Read More→
Dream about living somewhere peaceful, leafy, and family friendly - where the kids can easily get themselves about (including around your catchment of excellent schools), enjoying scads of...Read More→
Dream about living in the beating heart of inner city culture and community, while enjoying the gorgeous period features of your elevated 1888 gracious 3-bedroom colonial home? Okay...Read More→
Dream about living a short stroll away from everything you could possibly want? And all within a couple of kilometers of shops, train, bus, ferry and the University...Read More→
Wow! That's what you'll all be feeling every time you gaze out from your light-filled home, or lounge about on your wrap-around decks with their 180-degree outlook over...Read More→
At last, you have the freedom to create a dream life for your family - on a big beautiful 1,098 sqm block in a quiet cul-de-sac bordering bushland...Read More→
Dreaming about private, peaceful and leafy green living, while still enjoying all the benefits of being in the heart of Kenmore? Your four to five-bedroom, two-storey home boasts:...Read More→
** Please note you must have placed an approved bid, provided Photo Identification and signed the bidding rules to be able to participate in the final bidding stage....Read More→